- Country
- Chile
- Capital
- Santiago
- Continent
- South America
- Population
- 19M
- Area
- 757,000 km²
- Currency
- Peso (CLP)
- .cl
Chile uses a total of 2 time zones. 1 of them observes daylight saving time. The time zones in Chile ranges from UTC-- (Santiago) to UTC-- (Santiago).
Chile (Off. Republic of Chile) has a population of 19 million people with Santiago as the capital city. The official currency is Peso (CLP). Chile is locaded in South America, has an area of 757,000 km² and is bordering Argentina, Bolivia and Peru.
The next holiday in Chile is Good Friday on April 18, 2025
2025 Holidays in Chile
- Jan 1
- New Year's Day
- Apr 18
- Good Friday
- Apr 20
- Easter Sunday
- May 1
- Labour Day
- May 21
- Navy Day
- Jun 21
- Indigenous People's Day
- Jun 29
- Saints Peter and Paul
- Jul 16
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel
- Aug 15
- Assumption
- Sep 18
- National holiday
- Sep 19
- Army Day
- Oct 12
- Columbus Day
- Oct 31
- Reformation Day
- Nov 1
- All Saints' Day
- Dec 8
- Immaculate Conception
- Dec 25
- Christmas Day
- Dec 31
- New Year's Eve
Largest cities in Chile
- Santiago 4.8M
- Puente Alto 568K
- Antofagasta 353K
- Viña del Mar 295K
- Valparaíso 282K
- Talcahuano 253K
- San Bernardo 250K
- Puerto Montt 246K
- Temuco 238K
- Concepción 224K
- Rancagua 213K
- La Pintana 201K
- Talca 197K
- Iquique 191K
- Arica 186K
- Coquimbo 161K
- La Serena 155K
- Chillán 150K
- Calama 143K
- Osorno 136K
- Valdivia 133K
- Quilpué 130K
- Copiapó 129K
- Los Ángeles 125K
- Punta Arenas 117K
- Alto Hospicio 108K
- Lo Prado 104K
- Curicó 102K
- Villa Alemana 97K
- Coronel 93K
- San Antonio 86K
- Chiguayante 83K
- Ovalle 77K
- Linares 70K
- Quillota 68K
- Peñaflor 65K
- Melipilla 63K
- San Felipe 59K
- Los Andes 57K
- Buin 55K
- La Tirana 52K
- Talagante 52K
- Lota 50K
- Hacienda La Calera 49K
- Tomé 47K
- Penco 46K
- Coyhaique 46K
- Vallenar 45K
- Angol 45K
- Rengo 38K
- Constitución 38K
- Limache 36K
- Santa Cruz 33K
- Paine 33K
- Villarrica 32K
- San Carlos 32K
- Cauquenes 31K
- Curanilahue 31K
- Las Animas 30K
- Castro 30K
- San Vicente de Tagua Tagua 30K
- Lampa 29K
- Molina 29K
- Ancud 28K
- Machalí 28K
- Pucón 27K
- Parral 27K
- La Unión 26K
- Puerto Varas 25K
- La Ligua 25K
- Arauco 25K
- Victoria 25K
- Tocopilla 24K
- Goméz Carreño 24K
- Graneros 23K
- El Monte 23K
- Illapel 23K
- San Vicente 23K
- San Javier 22K
- Lebu 22K
- Mulchén 22K
- Quellón 22K
- Lautaro 22K
- Nacimiento 21K
- Playa Brava 21K
- Caupolicán 21K
- Cañete 20K
- Puerto Natales 20K
- Nueva Imperial 19K
- Cabrero 18K
- Diego de Almagro 18K
- Chicureo 18K
- Cavancha 17K
- Chimbarongo 17K
- Puerto Aysén 17K
- Cartagena 17K
- Llaillay 17K
- Laja 17K
- Collipulli 16K
- Panguipulli 16K
Showing cities 1 - 100 of 102