America/Santiago - Time Zone
Chile
- Timezone
- America/Santiago
- Named Offset
- --
- Offset
- --
- Observes DST
- Yes
- Largest City
- Santiago
The time zone America/Santiago is equivalent to -- (--). The local time is 3 hours behind UTC. America/Santiago observes daylight saving time.
The time zone is used by cities like Santiago, Puente Alto, Antofagasta, Viña del Mar, Valparaíso, Talcahuano, San Bernardo, Puerto Montt, Temuco and Concepción.
Time zones redirecting to America/Santiago are Chile/Continental.
See all IANA time zone codes and redirects here.
Daylight saving time
- Apr 7, 202400:00->23:00Saturday, April 6, 2024, the clock was set backwards by 1 hour, from 00:00 AM GMT-3 to 23:00 PM GMT-4. Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour earlier than the previous day.
- Sep 8, 202400:00->01:00Saturday, September 7, 2024, the clock was set forwards by 1 hour, from 00:00 AM GMT-4 to 01:00 AM GMT-3. Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour later than the previous day.
- Apr 6, 202500:00->23:00Saturday, April 5, 2025, the clock will be set backwards by 1 hour, from 00:00 AM GMT-3 to 23:00 PM GMT-4. Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour earlier than the previous day.
- Sep 7, 202500:00->01:00Saturday, September 6, 2025, the clock will be set forwards by 1 hour, from 00:00 AM GMT-4 to 01:00 AM GMT-3. Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour later than the previous day.
Cities using timezone
- Santiago4.8M
- Puente Alto568K
- Antofagasta353K
- Viña del Mar295K
- Valparaíso282K
- Talcahuano253K
- San Bernardo250K
- Puerto Montt246K
- Temuco238K
- Concepción224K
- Rancagua213K
- La Pintana201K
- Talca197K
- Iquique191K
- Arica186K
- Coquimbo161K
- La Serena155K
- Chillán150K
- Calama143K
- Osorno136K
- Valdivia133K
- Quilpué130K
- Copiapó129K
- Los Ángeles125K
- Alto Hospicio108K
- Lo Prado104K
- Curicó102K
- Villa Alemana97K
- Coronel93K
- San Antonio86K
- Chiguayante83K
- Ovalle77K
- Linares70K
- Quillota68K
- Peñaflor65K
- Melipilla63K
- San Felipe59K
- Los Andes57K
- Buin55K
- La Tirana52K
- Talagante52K
- Lota50K
- Hacienda La Calera49K
- Tomé47K
- Penco46K
- Coyhaique46K
- Vallenar45K
- Angol45K
- Rengo38K
- Constitución38K
- Limache36K
- Santa Cruz33K
- Paine33K
- Villarrica32K
- San Carlos32K
- Cauquenes31K
- Curanilahue31K
- Las Animas30K
- Castro30K
- San Vicente de Tagua Tagua30K
- Lampa29K
- Molina29K
- Ancud28K
- Machalí28K
- Pucón27K
- Parral27K
- La Unión26K
- Puerto Varas25K
- La Ligua25K
- Arauco25K
- Victoria25K
- Tocopilla24K
- Goméz Carreño24K
- Graneros23K
- El Monte23K
- Illapel23K
- San Vicente23K
- San Javier22K
- Lebu22K
- Mulchén22K
- Quellón22K
- Lautaro22K
- Nacimiento21K
- Playa Brava21K
- Caupolicán21K
- Cañete20K
- Nueva Imperial19K
- Cabrero18K
- Diego de Almagro18K
- Chicureo18K
- Cavancha17K
- Chimbarongo17K
- Puerto Aysén17K
- Cartagena17K
- Llaillay17K
- Laja17K
- Collipulli16K
- Panguipulli16K
- Loncoche16K
- Río Bueno15K