United States
- Country
- United States
- Capital
- Washington
- Continent
- North America
- Population
- 327M
- Area
- 9,630,000 km²
- Currency
- Dollar (USD)
- .us
United States uses a total of 14 time zones. 12 of them observes daylight saving time. The time zones in United States ranges from UTC-- (Honolulu) to UTC-- (New York City).
United States (Off. United States of America) has a population of 327 million people with Washington as the capital city. The official currency is Dollar (USD). United States is locaded in Northern America, has an area of 9,630,000 km² and is bordering Canada, Cuba and Mexico.
The next holiday in United States is Martin Luther King Jr. Day on January 20, 2025
--:----AnchorageFairbanksEagle RiverBadgerAmerica/Boise
--:----BoiseMeridianNampaIdaho FallsPocatelloCaldwell+ 4 more...America/Chicago
--:----ChicagoHoustonSan AntonioDallasAustinFort Worth+ 888 more...America/Denver
--:----DenverEl PasoAlbuquerqueColorado SpringsAuroraSalt Lake City+ 124 more...America/Detroit
--:----DetroitGrand RapidsWarrenSterling HeightsAnn ArborLansing+ 72 more...America/Indiana/Indianapolis
--:----IndianapolisFort WayneSouth BendCarmelBloomingtonFishers+ 34 more...America/Indiana/Vincennes
--:----LouisvilleJeffersonvilleNew AlbanyJeffersontownPleasure Ridge ParkValley Station+ 7 more...America/Los_Angeles
--:----Los AngelesSan DiegoSan JoseSan FranciscoSeattlePortland+ 589 more...America/New_York
--:----New York CityBrooklynQueensPhiladelphiaManhattanThe Bronx+ 1423 more...America/North_Dakota/New_Salem
--:----PhoenixTucsonMesaChandlerGilbertGlendale+ 50 more...Pacific/Honolulu
--:----HonoluluEast HonoluluPearl CityHiloKailuaWaipahu+ 11 more...
2025 Holidays in United States
- Jan 1
- New Year's Day
- Jan 20
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Feb 17
- Washington's Birthday
- May 26
- Memorial Day
- Jun 19
- Juneteenth
- Jul 4
- Independence Day
- Sep 1
- Labour Day
- Oct 13
- Columbus Day
- Nov 11
- Veterans Day
- Nov 27
- Thanksgiving Day
- Dec 25
- Christmas Day
Largest cities in United States
- Hialeah 237K
- Garland 237K
- Scottsdale 237K
- Irving 237K
- Chesapeake 235K
- North Las Vegas 235K
- Fremont 232K
- Baton Rouge 229K
- Richmond 227K
- Lexington 225K
- Paradise 223K
- Jamaica 217K
- San Bernardino 216K
- Huntsville 215K
- Spokane 213K
- Birmingham 212K
- Modesto 211K
- Des Moines 210K
- Rochester 210K
- Fontana 208K
- Maryvale 208K
- Tacoma 208K
- Arlington 208K
- Oxnard 207K
- Columbus 207K
- Worcester 207K
- Moreno Valley 204K
- Fayetteville 202K
- Huntington Beach 202K
- Yonkers 201K
- Glendale 201K
- Aurora 201K
- Montgomery 201K
- Amarillo 199K
- Little Rock 198K
- Akron 198K
- Shreveport 197K
- Grand Rapids 195K
- Mobile 194K
- Salt Lake City 193K
- Peoria 191K
- Providence 191K
- Tallahassee 190K
- Sunrise Manor 189K
- Grand Prairie 188K
- Overland Park 187K
- Knoxville 185K
- Brownsville 184K
- Newport News 182K
- Santa Clarita 182K
- Chattanooga 181K
- Fort Lauderdale 179K
- East Flatbush 178K
- Spring Valley 178K
- Tempe 176K
- Oceanside 176K
- Garden Grove 175K
- Rancho Cucamonga 175K
- Cape Coral 175K
- Santa Rosa 175K
- East New York 173K
- Vancouver 173K
- Sioux Falls 172K
- Ontario 171K
- Jackson 171K
- Hollywood 168K
- Elk Grove 167K
- Springfield 167K
- Clarksville 167K
- Pembroke Pines 167K
- Deer Valley 166K
- Port Saint Lucie 165K
- Salem 165K
- Corona 164K
- Eugene 163K
- McKinney 163K
- Fort Collins 161K
- Lancaster 161K
- Cary 160K
- Alexandria 159K
- Tempe Junction 158K
- Palmdale 158K
- Hayward 158K
- Salinas 157K
- Sunnyvale 156K
- Frisco 154K
- Springfield 154K
- East Chattanooga 154K
- Pasadena 154K
- Pomona 153K
- Washington Heights 153K
- Lakewood 153K
- Escondido 151K
- Kansas City 151K
- Astoria 150K
- Hollywood 150K
- Borough Park 149K
- Valencia 148K
- Rockford 148K
- East Hampton 148K
Showing cities 101 - 200 of 3269