America/New_York - Time Zone
United States
- Timezone
- America/New_York
- Named Offset
- --
- Offset
- --
- Observes DST
- Yes
- Largest City
- New York City
The time zone America/New_York is equivalent to -- (--). The local time is 5 hours behind UTC. America/New_York observes daylight saving time.
The time zone is used by cities like New York City, Brooklyn, Queens, Philadelphia, Manhattan, The Bronx, Jacksonville, Columbus, Charlotte and Washington.
Time zones redirecting to America/New_York are US/Eastern.
See all IANA time zone codes and redirects here.
Daylight saving time
- Mar 10, 202402:00->03:00Sunday, March 10, 2024, the clock was set forwards by 1 hour, from 02:00 AM EST to 03:00 AM EDT. Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour later than the previous day.
- Nov 3, 202402:00->01:00Sunday, November 3, 2024, the clock was set backwards by 1 hour, from 02:00 AM EDT to 01:00 AM EST. Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour earlier than the previous day.
- Mar 9, 202502:00->03:00Sunday, March 9, 2025, the clock will be set forwards by 1 hour, from 02:00 AM EST to 03:00 AM EDT. Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour later than the previous day.
- Nov 2, 202502:00->01:00Sunday, November 2, 2025, the clock will be set backwards by 1 hour, from 02:00 AM EDT to 01:00 AM EST. Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour earlier than the previous day.
Cities using timezone
- New York City8.8M
- Brooklyn2.7M
- Queens2.3M
- Philadelphia1.6M
- Manhattan1.5M
- The Bronx1.4M
- Jacksonville955K
- Columbus906K
- Charlotte875K
- Washington690K
- Boston676K
- Baltimore576K
- South Boston571K
- Staten Island469K
- Atlanta464K
- Virginia Beach453K
- Raleigh451K
- Miami441K
- Cleveland388K
- Tampa385K
- West Raleigh339K
- Lexington-Fayette314K
- Cincinnati309K
- Orlando308K
- Pittsburgh304K
- Ironville289K
- Meads289K
- Greensboro285K
- Newark282K
- Toledo280K
- Jersey City264K
- Buffalo258K
- Durham258K
- St. Petersburg257K
- Norfolk246K
- Winston-Salem241K
- Hialeah237K
- Chesapeake235K
- Richmond227K
- Lexington225K
- Jamaica217K
- Rochester210K
- Arlington208K
- Columbus207K
- Worcester207K
- Fayetteville202K
- Yonkers201K
- Akron198K
- Providence191K
- Tallahassee190K
- Knoxville185K
- Newport News182K
- Chattanooga181K
- Fort Lauderdale179K
- East Flatbush178K
- Cape Coral175K
- East New York173K
- Pembroke Pines167K
- Port Saint Lucie165K
- Cary160K
- Alexandria159K
- Springfield154K
- East Chattanooga154K
- Washington Heights153K
- Astoria150K
- Hollywood150K
- Borough Park149K
- East Hampton148K
- Savannah148K
- Paterson148K
- Bridgeport148K
- Syracuse144K
- Gainesville141K
- Dayton138K
- Miramar137K
- Hampton136K
- Columbia134K
- Charleston133K
- New Haven130K
- Coral Springs129K
- Elizabeth129K
- Stamford129K
- Athens127K
- Sunset Park126K
- Sheepshead Bay123K
- Amherst122K
- North Stamford121K
- Hartford121K
- Allentown120K
- Harlem116K
- Wilmington116K
- East Harlem116K
- Elmhurst113K
- Miami Gardens113K
- Clearwater113K
- Bushwick113K
- Gravesend112K
- Lowell111K
- Cambridge110K
- High Point110K
Showing cities 1 - 100 of 1429