America/Chicago - Time Zone
United States
- Timezone
- America/Chicago
- Named Offset
- --
- Offset
- --
- Observes DST
- Yes
- Largest City
- Chicago
The time zone America/Chicago is equivalent to -- (--). The local time is 6 hours behind UTC. America/Chicago observes daylight saving time.
The time zone is used by cities like Chicago, Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Austin, Fort Worth, Nashville, Oklahoma City, New South Memphis and Memphis.
Time zones redirecting to America/Chicago are US/Central.
See all IANA time zone codes and redirects here.
Daylight saving time
- Mar 10, 202402:00->03:00Sunday, March 10, 2024, the clock was set forwards by 1 hour, from 02:00 AM CST to 03:00 AM CDT. Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour later than the previous day.
- Nov 3, 202402:00->01:00Sunday, November 3, 2024, the clock was set backwards by 1 hour, from 02:00 AM CDT to 01:00 AM CST. Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour earlier than the previous day.
- Mar 9, 202502:00->03:00Sunday, March 9, 2025, the clock will be set forwards by 1 hour, from 02:00 AM CST to 03:00 AM CDT. Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour later than the previous day.
- Nov 2, 202502:00->01:00Sunday, November 2, 2025, the clock will be set backwards by 1 hour, from 02:00 AM CDT to 01:00 AM CST. Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour earlier than the previous day.
Cities using timezone
- Chicago2.7M
- Houston2.3M
- San Antonio1.4M
- Dallas1.3M
- Austin932K
- Fort Worth919K
- Nashville689K
- Oklahoma City681K
- New South Memphis642K
- Memphis633K
- Milwaukee600K
- Omaha486K
- Kansas City475K
- Tulsa413K
- Minneapolis411K
- Wichita390K
- New Orleans390K
- Arlington388K
- Corpus Christi327K
- St. Louis316K
- Saint Paul285K
- Plano284K
- Lincoln277K
- Laredo255K
- Lubbock249K
- Madison249K
- Garland237K
- Irving237K
- Baton Rouge229K
- Huntsville215K
- Birmingham212K
- Des Moines210K
- Aurora201K
- Montgomery201K
- Amarillo199K
- Little Rock198K
- Shreveport197K
- Mobile194K
- Grand Prairie188K
- Overland Park187K
- Brownsville184K
- Sioux Falls172K
- Jackson171K
- Springfield167K
- Clarksville167K
- McKinney163K
- Frisco154K
- Pasadena154K
- Kansas City151K
- Rockford148K
- Joliet148K
- Naperville147K
- Mesquite145K
- Metairie Terrace142K
- Killeen141K
- McAllen140K
- Metairie138K
- Olathe134K
- Carrollton133K
- Midland133K
- Waco132K
- Denton131K
- Cedar Rapids130K
- Lafayette128K
- Topeka127K
- Murfreesboro126K
- Abilene125K
- Norman125K
- Evansville120K
- Columbia119K
- Odessa119K
- Fargo119K
- Independence117K
- Springfield117K
- Round Rock116K
- Beaumont115K
- Peoria115K
- North Peoria113K
- Rochester112K
- Elgin112K
- Richardson111K
- East Independence111K
- Pearland109K
- College Station108K
- Broken Arrow107K
- Green Bay105K
- Wichita Falls105K
- Lewisville104K
- Tyler104K
- Davenport103K
- San Angelo100K
- Kenosha100K
- Alief99K
- Tuscaloosa98K
- League City98K
- Allen98K
- Lawton97K
- Lee's Summit95K
- Lawrence94K
- The Woodlands94K
Showing cities 1 - 100 of 894