Africa/Mogadishu - Time Zone
- Timezone
- Africa/Mogadishu
- Named Offset
- --
- Offset
- --
- Observes DST
- No
- Largest City
- Mogadishu
The time zone Africa/Mogadishu is equivalent to -- (--). The local time is 3 hours ahead of UTC. Africa/Mogadishu does not observe daylight saving time.
The time zone is used by cities like Mogadishu, Hargeysa, Berbera, Kismayo, Marka, Baidoa, Burao, Bosaso, Beled Hawo and Afgooye.
Cities using timezone
- Mogadishu2.6M
- Hargeysa478K
- Berbera242K
- Kismayo235K
- Marka230K
- Baidoa130K
- Burao99K
- Bosaso74K
- Beled Hawo73K
- Afgooye65K
- Gaalkacyo61K
- Laascaanood60K
- Garoowe57K
- Beledweyne55K
- Qoryooley52K
- Jawhar47K
- Jilib44K
- Jamaame42K
- Baardheere42K
- Dhabad36K
- Ceerigaabo34K
- Luuq34K
- Buurhakaba28K
- Ceeldheer27K
- Saaxo26K
- Wanlaweyn22K
- Diinsoor20K
- Baki20K
- Eyl19K
- Buulobarde17K
- Qandala16K