Africa/Porto-Novo - Time Zone
- Timezone
- Africa/Porto-Novo
- Named Offset
- --
- Offset
- --
- Observes DST
- No
- Largest City
- Cotonou
The time zone Africa/Porto-Novo is equivalent to -- (--). The local time is 1 hours ahead of UTC. Africa/Porto-Novo does not observe daylight saving time.
The time zone is used by cities like Cotonou, Abomey-Calavi, Djougou, Porto-Novo, Parakou, Bohicon, Kandi, Savé, Lokossa and Ouidah.
Cities using timezone
- Cotonou780K
- Abomey-Calavi386K
- Djougou237K
- Porto-Novo234K
- Parakou164K
- Bohicon125K
- Kandi110K
- Savé97K
- Lokossa87K
- Ouidah84K
- Abomey82K
- Natitingou81K
- Nikki70K
- Cové44K
- Dogbo41K
- Malanville37K
- Pobé33K
- Savalou30K
- Sakété30K
- Comé29K
- Bembèrèkè24K
- Bassila24K
- Banikoara22K
- Kétou22K
- Dassa-Zoumé22K
- Tchaourou21K
- Allada20K
- Aplahoué20K
- Tanguiéta20K