Africa/Addis_Ababa - Time Zone
- Timezone
- Africa/Addis_Ababa
- Named Offset
- --
- Offset
- --
- Observes DST
- No
- Largest City
- Addis Ababa
The time zone Africa/Addis_Ababa is equivalent to -- (--). The local time is 3 hours ahead of UTC. Africa/Addis_Ababa does not observe daylight saving time.
The time zone is used by cities like Addis Ababa, Jijiga, Gondar, Mek'ele, Nazrēt, Hawassa, Bahir Dar, Dire Dawa, Desē and Jimma.
Cities using timezone
- Addis Ababa2.8M
- Jijiga483K
- Gondar443K
- Mek'ele437K
- Nazrēt435K
- Hawassa403K
- Bahir Dar333K
- Dire Dawa277K
- Desē257K
- Jimma239K
- Shashemenē208K
- Bishoftu198K
- Sodo195K
- Arba Minch192K
- Hosa’ina180K
- Harar153K
- Debre Birhan140K
- Debre Mark’os134K
- Kombolcha126K
- Cabudwaaq120K
- Debre Tabor119K
- Ādīgrat116K
- Balanbale68K
- Goba55K
- Inda Silasē50K
- Ziway49K
- Dīla47K
- Hāgere Hiywet44K
- Gambēla42K
- Axum41K
- Waliso38K
- Lasoano38K
- Qorof37K
- Yirga ‘Alem36K
- Yamarugley36K
- Mojo35K
- Shakiso34K
- Fadhigaradle34K
- Neefkuceliye34K
- Felege Neway33K
- Āreka33K
- Bodītī33K
- Jinka32K
- Gimbi32K
- Āsbe Teferī31K
- Korem31K
- Āsosa31K
- Butajīra31K
- Metu30K
- Āgaro28K
- Kibre Mengist28K
- Maych’ew27K
- Werota27K
- Dembī Dolo27K
- Dubti26K
- Fichē26K
- K’olīto26K
- Mendī25K
- Raqo25K
- Debark’25K
- Tēpī24K
- Waal24K
- Kemisē24K
- Āsasa24K
- Genet24K
- Finote Selam23K
- Metahāra23K
- Dodola23K
- El Bahay23K
- Ādēt23K
- Ādīs Zemen23K
- Hagere Maryam22K
- Burē22K
- Digih Habar Es22K
- Robīt21K
- Asaita20K
- Bedelē20K
- Nejo20K
- Golwayn20K
- Sebeta20K
- Batī19K
- Bonga19K
- Kahandhale18K
- Bako18K
- Yabēlo18K
- Bedēsa18K
- Wenjī17K
- Ginir17K
- Gebre Guracha17K
- Bichena16K
- Gelemso16K
- Shambu15K
- Abomsa15K