America/Lima - Time Zone
- Timezone
- America/Lima
- Named Offset
- --
- Offset
- --
- Observes DST
- No
- Largest City
- Lima
The time zone America/Lima is equivalent to -- (--). The local time is 5 hours behind UTC. America/Lima does not observe daylight saving time.
The time zone is used by cities like Lima, Callao, Arequipa, Trujillo, Chiclayo, Piura, Huancayo, Cusco, Iquitos and Pucallpa.
Cities using timezone
- Santiago de Cao22K
- Huamachuco22K
- Paiján21K
- Jauja21K
- Virú21K
- Huaura21K
- Bagua Grande20K
- El Pedregal20K
- Ayaviri19K
- Huanta19K
- Santa Rosa18K
- Uchiza18K
- La Breita18K
- Andahuaylas17K
- Mala17K
- Zarumilla17K
- Camaná16K
- San Pedro de Lloc16K
- Huarmey16K
- Yunguyo16K
- Chongoyape16K
- Ilave16K
- San Clemente16K
- San Antonio16K
- Pimentel16K
- Satipo16K
- Minas de Marcona15K
- Junín15K
- Pátapo15K
- Bellavista15K
- Coishco15K
Showing cities 101 - 131 of 131